Boss Mutations and The Cure update

It took a long time for me to come up with an end game system that made sense in the context of the story. I feel like I've got something special with what I've come up with. So merry Christmas to all and let's get into it. 

  • All bosses can now be mutated to become stronger. You do this by spending the boss material of the respective boss so Angler Slime material for the Angler Slime boss, Cursed Tree materials for the Cursed Tree, etc. For every boss material you spend the boss gains 100X hp and 10X damage it also drops a new material called RNA and the amount of RNA dropped if multiplied by the number of boss materials used. You can use as many boss materials or as little boss materials as you want to mutate the boss, so you control the level of end game challenge you have. 
  • New Boss Material RNA added
  • The Cure end game puzzle has been added. The Cure puzzle is a 3X3 node grid that RNA can be slotted into. The Cure puzzles answer is randomized after each person cured. In order to cure a person, you have to find the exact combination of nodes that are supposed to be activated. When you slot RNA into a node you cannot remove it until you hit the craft button. After hitting the craft button, you will see if you successfully cured the person or not. If you do successfully cure the person your people saved amount will go up, if you fail to cure the person you will gain a +3 permanent boost to one of your damage types. There are also certain node combinations that will always result in specific damage types being permanently boosted by +20. Remember though that saving humanity is the end goal here because all of your damage is multiplied by your people saved amount. The amount of boss materials and crafting materials you pick up on click are also multiplied by your people saved amount. 
  • New skill puzzled piece puzzles added. There are puzzled pieces scattered around the skill tree that have letters on them. If you find all the puzzle pieces with the same letter, they will assemble to make a new skill
  • New Poker chip puzzles added. Some skills have poker chips on them now find a buy all the skills with the same color poker chip to discover a new skill.
  • Added all kinds of new switch, rock, and torch puzzles.
  • Added 11 new hidden skills. 
  • Added 700 new basic skills.
  • Fixed a ton of bugs. I had to work a 50-hour work week at pizza hut while fixing all of them, so I really don't remember what they all were I just know there were a lot. 
  • Added Hidden sticky notes that reveal permanent damage node combinations for The Cure Puzzle.

Thats all I can remember adding into this update I hope everyone has fun mutating bosses and saving humanity. As a small/large announcement Skills and Slimes should be on steam by next month so keep an eye out I'll let everyone know when you can wish list on steam. 

Happy Holidays to all sincerely,

Kyle Kerlikowske

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74 days ago

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