Bug Fixes and Price Changes

So, after hours of playing skills and slimes I found quite a few bugs I fixed them all and added some quality-of-life changes as well so let's get into it. 

  • Fixed bug in credits boss that continues to spawn reward before finishing boss fight
  • Fixed bug in the room boss where it wouldn't spawn reward when boss was mutated
  • Fixed bug where crafting materials were staying spawned between scenes
  • Fixed bug where turrets were staying spawned between scenes
  • Fixed bug where lightning ring kept spawning after death
  • Fixed bug where turrets would keep attacking after death
  • Minions now build power up meter when right-click skill is active
  • Credits boss now is invincible for 2 seconds on spawn so you can actually read people's names

Thats all the changes in game for now. As for an out of game announcement Skills and Slimes is still under review by steam but they should approve it any day now I will make a post when they do so people can wish list it before release. I have also changed the price on skills and slimes it is now $3 to own the game this is only if you want to own the game on steam. If you want to play the game for free still there is now a demo that is the full game and will continue to be updated with the game. If you want to add it to your steam library or you just want to support the development of the game, then buy a copy I would greatly appreciate it. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day Sincerely,

Kyle Kerlikowske 


SkillsAndSlimesDemo.zip 77 MB
65 days ago
SkillsAndSlimes.zip 77 MB
65 days ago

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