Things that should have been in the game at launch update.

I want to start off by thanking everyone for there feedback seriously it's because of you guys that skills and slimes will be in it's ultimate state. I listened to just about everyone's complaints and concerns and added tons of new stuff to the game and fixed some stuff to. So let's get into it.

  • Darkened skill screen background
  • Changed the color of the main UI buttons so they don't blend in with skills
  • Skills now light up gold when bought so you know you bought them
  • Are you sure screen before you go to boss rooms
  • Tutorial note letting players know that skills reset after run
  • Sound menu you can now turn music and sound effects On and off(sorry about that)
  • A new auto spec system where if you have enough money after a run you can re-run the same build again without selecting all the skills again
  • A new turret skill that also has two new upgrade skills as well
  • Fixed water ball skill bug it no longer has the fireball explosion skill ability attached to it and it now despawns after 2 seconds instead of 6
  • Fixed invincibility cool down skill price bug it no longer takes 250 DNA it now takes the 100 DNA it was supposed to
  • Fixed bug where some skills were stuck behind rocks they weren't supposed to be stuck behind
  • Removed slapping sound effect
  • Fixed bug where sound effects play on main menu
  • Fireballs now despawn after 2 seconds instead of .5 seconds now

Thanks again for everyone's help! If you find anymore bugs or have anymore suggestions fire them away on the comments on skills and slimes or on the comments on this post.

Files 71 MB
Nov 04, 2024

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